[WEB4LIB] Re: browser and OS wars

Andy Lester andy at petdance.com
Tue Aug 6 16:39:19 EDT 2002

> That's a red herring. Reading a book about a Windows product doesn't transmit 
> your credit card information or browsing habits to some corporate cybersnoop 
> or government agency.

Nor does browsing your site with MSIE or Netscape.  My browsing habits go nowhere.

> them. If the privacy of your users is of little concern to you, then go ahead 
> and fully deploy MS on everything from PCs to doorbells to toasters. 

If there's a specific concern, then by all means, warn against that.  I
don't see that as any different than, say, a battered women's shelter
warning against using their home phone to call.

In general, user privacy should be as much of a concern to you as it is
to them (says the guy without a library).

'Andy Lester        andy at petdance.com
 Programmer/author  petdance.com
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