[WEB4LIB] Re: browser and OS wars

Andy Lester andy at petdance.com
Tue Aug 6 15:18:17 EDT 2002

> As responsible netizens, especially given our implicit duty as library staff 
> to protect personal information and intellectual activities, I feel it is 
> imperative that we discourage the use of systems which, although ubiquitous 
> and zealously marketed, are designed to feed the personal information 
> appetites of megacorporations at the very real expense of end users who,

You could probably also not carry any Windows-related materials, while
you're at it.  Talk about encouraging use of closed products.

What's that?  You say that's what your community has a need for?  Well,
it sure seems that they also have a need for the ability to use non-free
systems in accessing your catalogs, but that's not a concern, apparently.

Probably you shouldn't have drive-up book drops, either, since those
encourage naughty automobiles, too.  


'Andy Lester        andy at petdance.com
 Programmer/author  petdance.com
 Daddy              parsley.org/quinn   Jk'=~/.+/s;print((split//,$&)

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