browser differences

Greg Facincani gfacincani at
Tue Aug 6 11:52:57 EDT 2002

This falls into the category of using the newest tool to solve your
problems.  I remember when you would get a letter, document, etc and there
would be half a dozen font changes in the text.  All supposedly to draw your
attention and make sure you got their message.  Then color printers became
common and you would get the Crayola effect.  Then the WWW.  Then the WWW
with bells and whistles.  And on and on

It takes a matter of time for the novelty of a new tool to wear off to find
where it is most effective.  And until that time, you sometimes have to wade
through ham handed efforts, inept programming, and the like to find a real
use for a tool.  Sometimes it will fit your situation, sometimes not.  But,
you have to keep trying and looking because you just might find something
that works perfectly for your situation.  Also, situations change and you
might have a different use or need.

The caveat is not to keep using a hammer when your website is screwed up
(that would call for a screwdriver. . .or a scotch on the rocks)

Greg Facincani, Technical Services Librarian
Rhode Island State Library

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