[WEB4LIB] Dreamweaver4 problem

Thomas Bennett bennetttm at appstate.edu
Tue Apr 9 10:47:23 EDT 2002

Just some basic info:

Look at the source code for the template to make sure the title is an
editable region.

<!-- #BeginEditable "doctitle" -->
<title>name of Template here</title>
<meta name="description" content="">
<!-- #EndEditable -->

When you save the template make sure you use Save As Template not Save As
with just a .dwt extension.  Saving as a template should make the title an
editable region.  When creating an html page be sure to use New From
Template not opening the template then editing that file and doing a Save

This works for me in DW4 typing in the Title bar.


-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib at webjunction.org
[mailto:web4lib at webjunction.org]On Behalf Of Yvonne Reynolds
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 10:26 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Dreamweaver4 problem


I hope this question is not too specific for this list.

Has anyone else had a problem with the title element when used with a
template in Dreamweaver 4? One should be able to give individual titles to
the pages, but in my version I am unable to change this page property for
individual  pages.  Anything I type in the title bar is ignored.

Would it make a difference that the template I am using was created by
altering another template i.e. a template based on another template?
Possible corruption somewhere along the line?

Any practical advice most gratefully received.

Yvonne Reynolds
Website Manager
National Botanical Institute
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