[WEB4LIB] RE: CSS help

Jody Cleveland Cleveland at mail.winnefox.org
Wed Apr 24 12:43:47 EDT 2002

Well, what I did was, I set up just a very basic style sheet for nn4.  After
all, that browser doesn't support much, so you have to keep it fairly plain.
Newer browsers will inherit the items from the nn4.css, so that will be a
factor.  With a little bit of playing around, and testing, you can get a
desirable result.  I quickly threw together a page to show what I've done,
and to show it's possible: 


If you can't get the @import working, javascript does work great, which is
what I'm currently doing. I quickly threw together a page to show what I've
done, and to show it's possible: 


Here is a great article that may be of use:


-Jody Cleveland
Winnefox Library System
Computer Support Specialist
cleveland at mail.winnefox.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin W. Bishop [mailto:bishopk at rpi.edu]

Please correct me if I'm wrong ...

but I believe that (non-NN4.x) browsers that recognize the @import 
statement will give that style sheet higher precedence than the linked 
style sheet, but the latter will still affect the cascade, the rendering of 
the document.

We're using a similar hack, yet our "nn4.css" sheet required so many 
NN-specific declarations that the renderings in the other browsers 
suffered.  So we decided to detect user agents w/JavaScript in order to a) 
give any NN4.x browser a sheet written exclusively for its needs, and b) 
allow other browsers to ignore the NN-specific sheet.

No, it's not pretty, but we're squeaking by ...


At 07:08 AM 4/24/2002 -0700, you wrote:

>   <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="nn4.css">
>   <style type="text/css" media="screen">
>     @import "default.css";
>   </style>

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