[WEB4LIB] Re: Remote Patron Authentication

Donna Schumann schumann at timberland.lib.wa.us
Tue Apr 23 15:23:19 EDT 2002

What RPA does is authenticate the patron's library barcode number 
against the library's Dynix or Horizon patron database. It includes 
options so that you can deny access if items are overdue or the patron 
owes fines. It works very well, although I remember my first attempts at 
setting it up as being a bit of a pain.

Richard L. Goerwitz III wrote:

> Michael Perkins wrote:
>>Each resource tends to handle requests differently, it is setting up
>>RPA to handle these requests that we are having troubles with
> I apologize if this posting deals with issues you've already considered.
> I'm curious, however:  Why not just have patrons authenticate to a re-
> verse proxy server, and then have all your vendors do authentication by
> IP address?
> The reverse proxy can be configured to redirect on-site users directly
> to your vendors' servers (which will let them in because they have the
> right IP address).  Other off-site users will just authenticate to the
> reverse proxy, which will relay their requests on using its own on-site
> IP address.
> I have not worked for any institutions that used RPA.  Does RPA provide
> a better interface or access mechanism than a reverse proxy?
> Richard Goerwitz

Donna Schumann, Computer Application Specialist
Timberland Regional Library, 415 Airdustrial Way SW, Olympia, WA 98501
Voice: 360-704-4542  FAX: 360-586-6838  Email:
schumann at timberland.lib.wa.us

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