VRD 2001 Conference Registration Reminder!

VRD Conference vrdconf at ericir.syr.edu
Wed Oct 10 12:05:02 EDT 2001

*Please excuse any cross-postings.*

Hello everyone,

The Virtual Reference Desk 3rd Annual Digital Reference Conference is less
than 6 weeks away! If you haven't yet registered, please note that you may
still do so until October 31, 2001. Please see below for details, and
visit the Web site for updated conference information:

Please contact vrdconf at vrd.org with any questions. See you in Orlando!



Registration for the VRD 2001 Conference ends *OCTOBER 31, 2001.* The
registration form is available online at:


"Setting Standards and Making it Real" explores issues in delivering
effective digital reference service in a variety of contexts and setting
standards to ensure quality. Pre- and post-conference workshops focus on
assessing service quality and building real-time reference services. The
conference is hosted by the Information Institute of Syracuse, Syracuse
University's School of Information Studies; the Information Institute at
the School of Information Studies, Florida State University; and SOLINET.

DATE: November 12-13, 2001

LOCATION: The Rosen Plaza Hotel, 9700 International Drive, Orlando, FL

TOPICS: Standards for digital reference, real-time technologies;
e-reference management issues; collaborative services; evaluation;
training; and much more!

* Clifford Lynch, Director of the Coalition for Networked Information
(CNI) -  Keynote Speaker
* Susan McGlamery, Coordinator for Reference Services for the Metropolitan
Cooperative Library System
* Nancy O'Neill, Principal Librarian for Reference Services, Santa Monica
Public Library
* Representatives from OCLC; AskERIC; Library of Congress; The University
of Texas, Austin; The Open University (U.K.); Cleveland Public Library;
The Virtual Reference Desk Project; Florida State University; King County
Library System (WA); National Agricultural Library; Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; The Boeing Company; National Library of Medicine;
and many others!
(See preliminary program at:


VRD 2001 exhibitors include:

* 24/7 Reference
* Convey Systems
* Neal-Schuman Publishers
* Internet Consulting Services
* Information Institute of Syracuse
* School of Information Studies, Florida State University
* Syracuse University School of Information Studies


**Only a few seats are left for each workshop, so please call Marilyn
Schick at 800-464-9107 to reserve a spot before registering.**

1. Measuring & Assessing the Quality of Digital Reference Services -
Sunday, November 11, 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Information Use
Management and Policy Institute at the School of Information Studies,
Florida State University. Instructors: Charles R. McClure, Melissa Gross,
and others.

2. Building a Real-Time Reference Service - Wednesday, November 14, 9:00
a.m.12:00 p.m. Sponsored by SOLINET. Instructor: Susan McGlamery.


Fees are for 2-day conference. Registration deadline is October 31, 2001.

* Regular Rate: $275
* Groups of Ten or More: $225
* SOLINET Member Rate: $225
* Student Rate: $150. Registration form must include a letter from your
department head confirming your full-time student status and a copy of
your student ID.

(See online registration form for pre- and post-conference workshop fees.)

Please note that no on-site conference registration is available, and that
seating is limited.


* The U.S. Department of Education
* The National Library of Education's ERIC Clearinghouse on Information &
* The Library of Congress
* Syracuse University's School of Information Studies

The "Setting Standards and Making it Real" Conference is presented by the
Virtual Reference Desk, a project of the U.S. Department of Education,
operated by the Information Institute of Syracuse, Syracuse University.


A block of rooms has been reserved at the conference hotel, the Rosen
Plaza, 9700 International Drive, Orlando Florida.  Please call
1-800-627-8258 to reserve your room in the "Virtual Reference Desk (VRD)"
block by Friday, OCTOBER 12, in order to receive the reduced rate.

Abby Kasowitz
Coordinator, Virtual Reference Desk Project
abby at vrd.org

ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology/
Information Institute of Syracuse

VRD 2001 Conference: Setting Standards and Making it Real
November 11-13, Orlando, FL


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