Printing powerpoint on the web

Dan Lester dan at
Thu May 31 13:26:53 EDT 2001

We have Win95 computers using IE5.5 for students to use in the library.  They
have the latest PPT viewer linked to the browser.  Some powerpoint
presentations will not print (actually, if you hit print button they print a
blank page).  Printing is greyed out on the file menu.

This appears to happen only with some ppt sites, not all.  Are the profs
doing different things, using different versions, preventing printing
somehow?  The presentations print fine if viewed on my computer, which has
PPT2000 installed instead of the viewer.

Any guidance appreciated.


Dan Lester, Data Wrangler  dan at
3577 East Pecan, Boise, Idaho  83716-7115 USA 

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