[WEB4LIB] Re: Creating local content for web

Mark Pecaut pecautm at missouri.edu
Fri May 25 14:03:49 EDT 2001

On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 04:34:04PM -0700, JQ Johnson wrote:
> Another practical issue that every database programmer should care about is
> support for transactions (commit/rollback).
> I suspect that as the complexity of database applications in the open source
> community increases we'll see increasing pressure on MySQL and PostGRES to
> implement more advanced features, which in turn will put pressure on the
> abstraction layer developers to figure out ways to include such advanced
> features in the layer.

PostgreSQL already supports transactions, sub-selects, triggers, foreign key
referential integrity, and some other stuff.  Plus it smokes MySQL for
large number of users. 


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