MARS Hot Topics DG in SF -- OpenURL & Link Servers tackle "Approp riate Copy" Problem

George Porter george at
Thu May 24 14:54:24 EDT 2001

Cross-posted. Please excuse duplication.  Feel free to pass this along to
others who may be interested.

Silver Bullet? OpenURL and Link Servers (SFX, Openly Jake) Take Aim at the 
"Appropriate Copy" Problem 

MARS Hot Topics Discussion Group 
American Library Association Annual Conference 
San Francisco, CA 
Saturday, June 16, 2001 
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 
Moscone Convention Center, Room 236 

Librarians and library users have been wishing for simple access from
bibliographic indexes to the text of the articles since the first index
rolled off a printing press. CD-ROMs and web-based databases were major
advances in providing powerful reference services, but have generally fallen
short by failing to point to all copies of the full text available to a
library user at a particular site, i.e., the "appropriate copy" problem.
OpenURL and link servers may be the wish come true. 

Join Margery Tibbetts, California Digital Library, and Eric Hellman, 
Openly Informatics, to discuss the potential offered by these new
technologies. George Porter, Caltech Library System, will demonstrate SFX, a
production system based on OpenURL and link server technology. 

Chair: Linda Keiter, 
lkeiter at 

Vice-Chair: George Porter, 
george at

George S. Porter
Sherman Fairchild Library of Engineering & Applied Science
Caltech, 1-43
Pasadena, CA  91125-4300
Telephone (626) 395-3409 Fax (626) 431-2681

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