[WEB4LIB] Web-based training on library skills

Jenny Levine levinej at sls.lib.il.us
Mon May 14 09:22:13 EDT 2001

"Smith, Barbara" wrote:
> I'm gathering information about Web-based training on library skills for
> staff development in public, academic and special libraries.  A number of
> library schools offer Web-based and other e-learning courses that lead to
> degrees.  But what about training that supports the practical work in
> libraries, for all levels of staff?  Examples might include a shelving
> tutorial for pages; circulation system basics; reference desk skills;
> customer service skills.

	Although we can't show you anything tangible at the moment, this is one of the
goals of the "LibraryU" project in Illinois.  The Suburban Library System (where
I work) applied for a LSTA grant to collaborate with three other regional
Library Systems in the State to create a central repository of Web-based
tutorials written by librarians.  The two-tiered approach will target Joe Q.
Public *and* librarians with WebCT modules.
	For example, the Illinois State Library provides access to some FirstSearch
databases for all residents, so System staff are designing a tutorial that can
be used statewide to teach the public how to access and use these resources.
Other staff at multi-type libraries are creating modules to teach fellow
librarians how to market their libraries and how to serve & partner with their
business community.
	These tutorials (plus 8-10 others) are in the works now, and our target date to
officially launch LibraryU is the week of Labor Day.  We included a line item
for PR and we are planning lots of trade advertising, radio spots, giveaways,
etc., so hopefully you'll hear a lot about this project in September.  For phase
two, we are opening up participation beyond the original dozen libraries in
order to expand our offerings.  We are very open to partnerships, as we would
like to reduce re-invention of the wheel everywhere.  Some of the content is
rather specific (training for specific OPACs), but other modules have a much
broader base (searching for government documents online).
	Eventually you'll be able to find us at http://www.LibraryU.org/, although
there's just a teaser page there now.  We'd also be interested in hearing about
any similar projects (we know of a few that are aimed more at the public), in
part because we'd like to see a community grow up around this concept in order
to exchange ideas and to further collaboration.

Jenny Levine				125 Tower Drive
Internet Development Specialist		Burr Ridge, IL 60521
Suburban Library System			+1 (630) 734 5141
http://www.sls.lib.il.us/		levinej at sls.lib.il.us

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