SunOS/BoxPoison virus

Mary Pugh mpugh at
Sat May 19 14:51:14 EDT 2001

Bad News Bears! We were hit with the SunOS/BoxPoison vius on our Dynix 
WebPac server. Our virus scanner caught it before any real damage. I have 
checked the McAfee and the CERT advisory and I still don't understand how 
this virus is spread. I did not pay great attention to the bulletin I 
received because we use NT and not Sun. It appears we needed a patch for 
our IIS and that is now fixed. But how does this thing work, where did it 
spread from?

Mary Pugh                               Orcas Island Library District
Network Administrator                   500 Rose Street
360.376.4985                            Eastsound, WA 98245
360.376.5750 fax              

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