Ariadne 27 is now available at:

Philip Hunter lispjh at
Tue Mar 27 11:52:09 EST 2001


    *The Digital Library Jigsaw: in Ariadne's editorial column Philip
ons the box and lks at some of the choicest pieces.

Among the main articles in this issue of Ariadne are:

     *After the Big Bang: the forces of change and e-learning: Pete
examines what recent developments in the area of "e-learning" might mean
the custodians of the information resources required to support teaching

     *The filling in the PIE - HeadLine's Resource Data Model: John
explains the concepts of representation and use of metadata in the
Data Model (RDM) that has been developed by the HeadLine project.

    *The Digital Preservation Coalition: Neil Beagrie reports on proposals
to establish a Digital Preservation Coalition in the UK.

    *e-Books for Students: EBONI: Ruth Wilson of the Centre for Digital
Library Research on how the EBONI project will investigate the usability
e-books through user evaluations.

    *Ancient World, Digital World: Excavation at Halif: Paul Jacobs on how
field and research strategies were impacted significantly by the use of
digital technology in the 1999 field season at Tell Halif, Israel (the
Research Project).

    *Distributed Comput Seti at home project: Eddie Young and Pete
Cliff look at a particularly successful example of a distributed solution
a very large number crunching problem.

    *Hylife: Ten steps to success: Peter Wynne, Catherine Edwards and
Maureen Jackson, on some important aspects of running a Hybrid Library

    *The LEODIS Database: Jonathan Kendal on the creation of LEODIS, a
Public Libraries sector digitization and database project.

Regular columns include:

     *Search Engines: Robots, spiders and your website: Phil Bradley looks
at the effect these have on your site's vital statistics.

    *Planet SOSIG: Debra Hiom and Emma Place with more updates on the
Sciences Gateway, including a new range of European sites.

    *EEVL: Roddy McLeod and Lesa Ng with some useful tips on 'Shoestring
Marketing' for projects.

    *BIOME : Paula Manning reports on feedback received on the BIOME
and how the service will develop in response.

     *Metadata (1): Encoding OpenURLs in DC metadata: Andy Powell and Ann
Apps prose a mechanism for embedding machine parsable citations ieto
Dublin Core (DC) metada records.ts
    *Metadata (2): Towards connsus on educational metadata: Paul Miller
describes the work of the UK's new cross-sectoral Metadata for Education
Group (MEG) and calls for widespread support of their first deliverable -
the MEG Concord.

    *Public Libraries 'Lights Out and Silver Boots On':arah Ormes with her
(redictions for the future of Public Libraries and the Internet.

    *Web Focus: HTML is Dead: Brian Kelly explains why this i and*why it
is a good thing.

     *Web Watch: What's Related To My Web Site?: Brian Kelly looks at
Netscape's 'What's Related?' facility and reports on the service's
for instDtutional Web servers.

Two 'At the Event' items focussing on the recent Hybrid Library Workshop
days in Manchester and Edinburgh. The Manchester coverage features
streaming video (500kbs to 900kbs) of 5 of the sessions.

     *'The Future is Hybrid': Jim Strom and others provide streaming video
of some of the sessions from 'The Future is Hybrid'
     day in Manchester held in February 2001.

*'The Future is Hybrid': John MacColl and Philip Hunter report on 'The
Future is Hybrid' project day in Edinburgh.

This month's issue also features the Newsline column and a book review: -
Michael Day reviews Christine Borgman's 'From Gutenberg to the Global
Information Infrastructure'

Plus, last but not least, the regular Campbell cartoon and the famous
Ariadne Caption Competition


Ariadne issues 28 and 29 are now preparation. Suggestions for content
be sent to the Ariadne Editorial Office at: ariadne at  Books for
review should be sent to the address in the footer of this message.

Copy deadline for issue 28 is MondaL June 4, 2001. Copy Deadline for issue
29 is Monday September 3, 2001.


 Ariadne is published every three months by UKOLN. UKOLN is funded by
Resource: the Council for Museums, Archives & Libraries (the organisation
succeeding the Library and Information Commission), the Joint Information
Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well
as by project funding from the JISC and the European Uniot. UKOLN also
receives support from tht University of Bath where it is based.

Philip Hunter,  Information Officer at UKOLN, and Editor of Ariadne
UKOLN, c/o Library, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY
Tel: +44 (0) 1225 826 354  Fax: +44 (0) 1225 826838
email: p.j.hunter at

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