[WEB4LIB] Netscape/Yahoo problem

Bill Teschek bteschek at hampton.lib.nh.us
Tue Mar 27 11:00:03 EST 2001

> This may be a really simple thing, but it has me stumped; on one of our
> public access computers (Windows NT) when Yahoo.com...

Speaking of curious Yahoo behavior, there's one thing that has me 
puzzled as well. We use IE 5.5's Content Advisor to limit our 
OPACs to our local website, PAC, subscription databases and 
amazon.com (for the links from our OPAC). For some reason it will 
allow access to Yahoo unless you specifically DENY access to it 
with the Content Advisor. Not a problem to do, but I'm wondering 
why this happens. Any ideas?

Bill Teschek
Assistant Director
Lane Memorial Library
2 Academy Ave.
Hampton, NH 03842
bteschek at hampton.lib.nh.us
(603)-926-1348 (fax)

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