Fwd: [WEB4LIB] digital library consortia

Kathy Wheeler kwheeler at jaguar1.usouthal.edu
Sun Mar 25 15:27:22 EST 2001

Alabama has one called the Alabama Virtual Library. It's at 
There's an article on it in Computers in Libraries at 
In 2000, the AVL was the winner of Solinet's Outstanding Library Program 
The Multi-Type Library Cooperation Award.

>Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 11:16:47 -0800 (PST)
>Reply-To: TomaiuoloN at mail.ccsu.edu
>Originator: web4lib at webjunction.org
>Sender: web4lib at webjunction.org
>From: "Tomaiuolo, Nicholas (Library)" <TomaiuoloN at mail.ccsu.edu>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at webjunction.org>
>Subject: [WEB4LIB] digital library consortia
>X-Comment: Web4Lib Information - http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Web4Lib/
>Dear Colleagues,
>Please forgive A) my crossposting this question and B)if it is somewhat out
>of the list's scope.
>Connecticut (USA) has launched a service that allows residents holding a
>valid library card in its state access to an attractive list of database
>resources.  In essence, students and residents in the state can perform
>bibliographic database searches and retrieve citations and full-text when
>available from periodicals.  Authenication, of course, is required. I
>believe it is a great asset to any end-user.
>My question is: what other states, cuntries, or geographic consortia, have
>similar projects in place?  I am aware of a couple others, but if you have
>any information concerning "digital libraries" of this sort, could you pass
>your comments, and URLs if known, on to me? [I hope this doesn't fall into
>the 'DUH' category.]
>On a side note, I think developments of this sort really beg the question
>"is there a need for end-user subscription databases" such as Questia.
>Thank you very much,
>Nick Tomaiuolo
>Reference Librarian
>Central Connecticut State University

kwheeler at jaguar1.usouthal.edu
Electronic Services/Reference                             That's jaguar ONE!
University of South Alabama, University Library  334-460-7938
Mobile, AL  36688

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