[WEB4LIB] Public Browser, W2K, & Shell Buttons: Help!

Vermeersch, Scott M. Vermeersch.Scott at mayo.edu
Thu Mar 22 10:27:52 EST 2001

If you have the default installs of PWB and Word Editor from TeamSoftware.
In your PublicBrowser.Ini file make sure you have the following lines in the
proper sections...


	ShellButtonsFile=C:\Program Files\PublicBrowser\ShellButtons.ini

Assuming the button you want to use is the Word Editor. In your
ShellButtons.ini you should have the following lines...

	ToolTip=Word Editor
	CommandLine=C:\Program Files\Editor\Editor.exe
	ImageEnabled=C:\Program Files\Editor\EditorBW.bmp
	ImageDisabled=C:\Program Files\Editor\EditorBW.bmp
	ImageHot=C:\Program Files\Editor\Editor.bmp

Scott Vermeersch
Mayo Medical Library

-----Original Message-----
From: David Merchant [mailto:merchant at LATECH.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:21 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Public Browser, W2K, & Shell Buttons: Help!

So far Public Browser by TeamSoftware is fantastic.  However, I have not 
been able to get the shell buttons to work (shell buttons allow IE to open 
external programs).  I'm using IE 5.5 and W2K.  I've read and followed the 
examples that came with the install, but alas, alack and wail away, I can't 
get the shell buttons to show up (let alone work!).  Every other config 
I've done has worked exactly as advertised.  If anyone has gotten shell 
buttons to work, I'd love to hear about it (and maybe a copy of your 
ShellButtons.ini file, maybe by looking at it I can get a clue to where my 
brain has failed me...).

David Merchant
Head, Systems Dept, Louisiana Tech University
merchant at latech.edu
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