[WEB4LIB] RE: Computers in Libraries and the death of copyright

Mike Madin madin at academicinfo.net
Mon Mar 19 14:23:34 EST 2001

Here is an example of a world where "Copyright is Dead":

Blacknet.com out of the UK copied all 1000+ pages of Academic Info and calls
them their own - compare  http://www.blacknetuk.com/education/index.html
with http://www.academicinfo.net/  !!  All links, annotations, design
structure, even our collection development policy are all word for word from
Academic Info. They didn't even bother to change American English spellings
to British English.

After a few nasty emails they added "content provided by Academic Info" on a
few of the pages and link back to our site on several subject listings (less
than 20%) but still...

Mike Madin
[The Real] Academic Info - http://www.academicinfo.net

Send me an email if you'd like to be added to Academic Info's free monthly
announcement list.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Drew, Bill" <drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <web4lib at webjunction.org>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 10:47 AM
Subject: [WEB4LIB] RE: Computers in Libraries and the death of copyright

> Not having seen Roy's presentation, I can not comment on his ideas on the
> death of copyright.  I think there is a basic misunderstanding here.  I
> don't think copyright is dead.  What is dead is the present system to
> that access is limited to only those with permissions.  Access to a
> and copyright of that document are two different things.  I own the
> copyright to most things I create on the web.  I allow access to all of it
> for all to use.  What needs to be changed is the way we allow people to
> copyrighted materials.
> ___________________
> Wilfred (Bill) Drew
> Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
> SUNY Morrisville College Library
> E-mail: mailto:drewwe at morrisville.edu
> Home: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/
> Not Just Cows: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/njc/
> Library: http://www.morrisville.edu/library/
> Wireless Librarian: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/wireless/
> Have Laptop -- Will Travel.
> "The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the
cheese!" --
> Author Unknown

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