A Requiem for Argus Associates

Roy Tennant roy.tennant at ucop.edu
Fri Mar 16 17:07:12 EST 2001

Since I haven't seen it mentioned here yet, many of you may not know 
that our friends and colleagues at the information architecture firm 
Argus Associates (http://www.argus-inc.com/) are closing their doors. 
Apparently a victim of the economic downturn, what was once a highly 
successful firm is now no more.

If this was a run-of-the-mill commercial company, I would not be 
writing this message. But it wasn't. With Lou Rosenfeld and Peter 
Morville in the lead, Argus was instrumental in fostering and helping 
to define the nascent information architecture profession. They quite 
literally wrote the book on it.

As librarians, Lou and Peter provided a perspective on this field 
that was unique among those active in it. Then amply demonstrated the 
utility of librarianship to the interdisciplinary field of 
information architecture. There is no better statement of that 
contribution, in fact, than their book.

I don't know yet where Lou, Peter, and their former employees are 
headed from here, but wherever it is, I would keep an eye on it if I 
were you. And if any of you are hiring out there, run, don't walk, to 
the page (http://argus-inc.com/contact/argus_alumni.shtml) that lists 
the talent that was once Argus Associates.

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