[WEB4LIB] Re: HTML Question - target="new"

Tony Barry me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au
Wed Mar 14 20:19:07 EST 2001

At 2:46 PM -0800 14/3/01, Daniel Messer wrote:
>However, designing a page to work with every possible
>browser that comes down the pipe is a tricky and time consuming process.
>IMHO, the way to do this is to have three versions of the HTML code and gear
>each one for those specific browsers.

Disagree. As I have said before design to the standard and don't 
worry about how it will render in every browser as you can't control 
what the end user will do or the browser they use. If it works on a 
text only browser it will work on anything.

Users can make the page appear they way THEY want, not the way you 
want. My default setting for IE (when I use it) is often with images 
, java, javascript, fonts, colors and cookies off and I override the 
fonts being used. I'm also tempted to override the page stylesheets 
and use my own so at least what I see will be standadised and not 
vary from page to page.

phone  +61 2 6241 7659
mailto:me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au

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