[WEB4LIB] hanging indents?

Nancy Sosna Bohm plum at ulink.net
Wed Mar 14 19:47:37 EST 2001

Probably there's another way, and I'm sorry the following code looks so
messy (and may look even worse after going through various email servers),
but basically I created a gif that consists of one transparent pixel (or
maybe 2) and then put an image tag (with a width of 20 and a height of 50
and an align of left) right after the first bit of text for each new
citation example.

In this case the font was 12 pt verdana. You might want the pixel shim
smaller for a smaller font.

The page with the code can be seen at http://ulink.net/plum/HSL/articles.htm

Here's the code:

<span class=citation>AuthorLastName,<img src="pixelshim.gif" width="20"
height="50" align="left">AuthorFirstName. &nbsp;"Title of Portion of Web
Page." &nbsp;<U>Title from left top of screen</U>. &nbsp;Ed. FirstName
LastName. &nbsp;1 Jan. 2000.&nbsp; U of HigherLearning. &nbsp;16 Aug. 2000
&nbsp;&#60http://www.addressOfTheWebcite.edu&#62. </span>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Luck, Deanne" <LuckDL at apsu.edu>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <web4lib at webjunction.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 1:36 PM
Subject: [WEB4LIB] hanging indents?

> Is there any way to create a hanging indent on a web page?  We're creating
> page on citing in MLA style, and while I'm fairly sure this can't be done,
> thought I'd ask the experts.
> Thanks,
> DeAnne Luck
> Electronic Resources Librarian
> Austin Peay State University
> LuckDL at apsu.edu

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