[WEB4LIB] HTML Question - target="new"

Chan, Ian iachan at sccd.ctc.edu
Wed Mar 14 16:03:14 EST 2001

There is a way to control the new window size using javascript.
The links to the Annotated Directories and Web Search Engines on this page
use javascript to control the newly opened windows.

Hre are some javascript libraries:
http://www.zdnet.com/devhead/resources/scriptlibrary/javascript/ look under


This is a tutorial on working with windows ...

Ian Chan 
Seattle Central Community College 
(206) 587-6336 

-----Original Message-----
From: Maribeth Manoff [mailto:manoff at aztec.lib.utk.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 12:24 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] HTML Question - target="new"

I am using the <a href=> tag with the target="new" attribute to bring up
a new window for a link.  In Netscape Navigator, the new window is full
size; in Internet Explorer, it is sized down so you can see the first
window behind it.  Is there a way in HTML to control this window
sizing?  Specifically, I would like the new window to appear as it does
in IE, so that the first window is still visible.

Thanks in advance for your advice,
Maribeth Manoff
Coordinator for Networked Service Integration
647 Hodges Library               mmanoff at utk.edu
The University of Tennessee      voice: 865-974-2876
Knoxville, TN 37996-1000         fax: 865-974-0626

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