[WEB4LIB] Star Office

Charles Gambrell cbgamb at acan.net
Tue Mar 6 08:39:02 EST 2001

Very interested in this question.  We are not using it, I used it a little 
on my Win98 workstation, but sometimes I have thoughts about trying it out.

If responses come off-list, I would very much like to a see a summary.

At 03:52 PM 3/5/2001 -0800, D. Popeck wrote:
>Does anyone offer Star Office for use by patrons? If so, then please refer
>comments regarding the software. We currently offer use of Microsoft Word.
>Thanks in advance.
>D. Popeck
>Madison Library

Charles B. Gambrell
System Automation Assistant Manager

Mobile Public Library
701 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36602-1499

Voice: 334.208.7095
Fax: 334.208.7618
email: cbgamb at acan.net.

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-- Clarke's Third Law, Arthur C. Clarke

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