tabindex in html

Laura Hudson lhudson at
Wed Jun 20 18:44:54 EDT 2001

Hi all,

Do any of you have experience using the "tabindex" attribute in your html 
documents?  According to the description at the 
W3C: I'm 
wondering if one could use this to control how a text browser such as lynx 
(or a verbal browser such as JAWS) sees a page.  Doesn't work for me yet, 

Our dilemma is that we're designing using tables for layout on some of our 
pages, but want to make the page as easy to use as possible for disabled 
users, which means that it would be nice not to make them tab through all 
of the basic navigation elements before the "meat" of the page.

I've read through everything relevant in the W3C accessibility guidelines 
and haven't found a solution yet.

Any thoughts?  Ideas?  Resources?  Tricks of the trade that I should know?

I'd be totally delighted to summarize for the list if you email me directly.


Laura Hudson
Electronic Systems and Services Librarian
San Diego State University
lhudson at
phone: 619-594-3521
fax:  619-594-8982

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