LITA Program at ALA, 6/16/01

Nancy George ngeorge at
Mon Jun 11 10:40:34 EDT 2001

Please excuse cross postings. Thanks.

>                 Program for ALA Annual 2001
>                       Collaborative Collection Management of Web Sites
>          Saturday, June 16th, 9:00 am- 12:30 pm, Hilton Continental 
> Ballroom 4, San Francisco
>Because of the World Wide Web and its continual avalanche of information, 
>librarians seek ways of identifying, cataloging, evaluating, and 
>publicizing quality web content. Our speakers will look at various models 
>of achieving these goals, at the development of metadata, and at the 
>progress of specific projects.
>      Howard Besser is an Associate Professor at UCLA's School of 
> Education & Information where he teaches courses and does research on 
> multimedia, image databases, digital libraries, metadata
>standards, digital longevity, web design, information literacy, distance 
>learning, intellectual property,
>and the social and cultural impact of new information technologies. Dr. 
>Besser has been involved with the Dublin Core metadata standard since its 
>inception. He was an organizer of both the Dublin Core meeting on digital 
>images, and the National Information Standards Organization/DLF meeting to 
>develop and promote digital image standards. He was also a member of the 
>Metadata Committee of the joint US/European Community Digital Library 
>      Links:
>      Email: howard at SIMS.Berkeley.EDU
>Margaret Mooney serves as INFOMINE co-Coordinator and has been actively 
>involved in its
>development since 1993. She is also Head of the Government Publications 
>Department at the UC
>Riverside Library, in charge of all aspects of its operations including 
>collection development,
>technical processing, and reference services. She has been active in 
>technology applications; she
>enjoys programming and has developed an automated Federal Depository 
>processing/ cataloging
>system, nationally known as USDOCS.
>Links INFOMINE http//
>Email mmooney at
>Carole Leita is the coordinator of the Librarians' Index to the Internet 
>(LII), as well as an instructor
>and consultant for the California State Library InFoPeople Project. She 
>teaches staff from California
>libraries (mostly public) how to use the Web for Ready Reference. She is 
>the recipient of the 2001
>Isadore Gilbert Mudge-R.R. Bowker Award for distinguished contributions to 
>reference librarianship.
>      Links: LII:; bio:
>      Email: leita at
>(4) Eric Childress, Consulting Product Support Specialist, OCLC Online 
>Computer Library Center,
>Inc. A former academic, special formats cataloger, Mr. Childress has been 
>active professionally in
>the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), 
>the Program for
>Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative 
>(DCMI), serving as chair,
>member, or liaison with various committees and working groups. He has 
>contributed articles and
>columns to a variety of professional journals including the VRA Bulletin 
>and the Journal of Internet
>Cataloging. At OCLC since 1996, Mr. Childress is a recipient of the OCLC 
>President's Award and
>has worked on a variety of OCLC products including leading the initial 
>phase of what would become
>OCLC's CatExpress product, and most recently as a member of the team that 
>developed the OCLC
>CORC (Cooperative Online Resource Catalog) service.
>      Links: CORC:
>      Email: eric_childress at

Nancy George
Electronic Resources Librarian
Salem State College Library
352 Lafayette St.
Salem, MA  01970

phone:  978-542-7182
fax:  978-542-6596
email:  ngeorge at 

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