Blocking email, the complaint

Peter Murray PMurray at
Thu Jul 26 13:54:20 EDT 2001

Earlier this month, Dan Lester posted a series of messages about how he 
was pursued by a Washington, MO, company for including the company's 
web-based e-mail server in his list of chat, webemail, and game playing 
sites.  We had a discussion about the implications of this on libraries.

Well, I was searching THOMAS for something else, and ran across the 
"Who Is E-Mailing Our Kids Act", introduced to the U.S. House of 
Representatives in May:


It seems to propose that schools and libraries who receive universal 
service assistance must create policies to block sending anonymous 
e-mail and anonymous web access.  I am not a lawyer (I don't even play 
one at work), but I wonder if one would consider web-based e-mail 
systems (like Yahoo) to be "annonymous" since anyone can create a 
pseudonym using these services.  In which case, a subset of Dan's list 
covering web-based e-mail systems might be very important.

In any case, it has been referred to a subcommittee and there doesn't 
look to be any action on it.  As with most legislation, it'll probably 
never make it out of subcommittee.  But you never know...

Peter Murray, Computer Services Librarian              W: 860-570-5233
University of Connecticut Law School             Hartford, Connecticut

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