[WEB4LIB] Re:link annotations

Karen Harker Karen.Harker at UTSouthwestern.edu
Thu Jul 26 09:30:51 EDT 2001

I considered this before, but I had a few concerns, including:
1) would our busy users take the time?
2) would only a few bother, thus skewing the ratings to their particular tastes?
3) acceptance of this tool....doing a quick look of all sites, not just libraries, I only found a few sites doing this, and they seemed a bit on the old-fashioned, and for lack of a better word, "cheesy" side.  

Have any libraries tried this? What types and what has been the reaction?


Karen R. Harker, MLS
UT Southwestern Medical Library
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75390-9049

>>> Tony Barry <me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au> 7/26/01 12:31:42 AM >>>
At 9:59 AM -0700 25/7/01, Martin, Julie wrote:
>We're in the process of a redesign and there are strong feelings on 
>both sides of this issue. Some people feel the annotations are 
>unecessary, and that after you've used a resource once they just 
>clutter things up. Other's feel that librarians add value by 
>providing some descriptive information about the resource and what 
>it's unique features are.

Even better, use a system which lets the user community add their own 
reviews and comments on the resource and rate it's level of 
usefulness. They are the people it's for and in the best position to 
judge, not the librarians.

phone  +61 2 6241 7659
mailto:me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au

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