Server Management Replies

Lynn Eades beades at
Fri Jan 19 08:16:20 EST 2001

Hi.  Not long ago I sent out some questions on server management in your
library.  I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to contact
me.  I'm sorry I haven't responded personally.  It is split pretty much
down the middle with some libraries having their own servers and
managing them.  Others use farms or another department is in charge of
the servers and management.  I will try to compile all I have received
and send out a summary.

I guess my question about databases was too broad.  I was wondering
about locally created databases within the library.  Do folks have them
on one server dedicated to databases or spread out?  We are considering
the former.

Thanks again for your replies and the great information this list

B. Lynn Eades
Web Development Librarian
Health Sciences Library
CB# 7585
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-7585

Phone: (919) 966-8012
Email: beades at

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