QUESTION: citing e-publications on resume

Caryn.Wesner at Caryn.Wesner at
Fri Jan 12 09:27:39 EST 2001

Fellow Web4Libbers -

I have to redo my resume this weekend, and wonder if it's permissible to
cite e-publications in it.  I wrote an article, which has been very well
received, for a reputable e-letter, and I've also done a book review for
them.  I have no print publications, but I think that if a prospective
employer read these, s/he'd be impressed.  Is anyone including this sort of
thing?  If so, how should I cite it?

Please reply, or at least cc, to my home e-mail address,
mailto:CarynW at  I get the List in Digest form at work, so I
wouldn't get your replies until Monday, but as I say, I'm working on this
this weekend.  Thanks for any help you can offer!

Caryn S. Wesner-Early, MSLS
Technical Information Specialist
Biotechnology and Chemical Library
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Phone: (703) 308-4501
Fax: (703) 308-4496
caryn.wesner at

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