[WEB4LIB] technology news sources

Joy Schwarz schwarz at AXP.WINNEFOX.ORG
Wed Jan 31 12:47:28 EST 2001

I subscribe to these free daily e-mail services that you may find 
useful as well:

Tomalak's Realm < http://www.tomalak.org/ >
"...a daily source of links to strategic Web design stories".
You can subscribe at 
< http://www.tomalak.org/todayslinks/newsletter.html >.

ZDNet AnchorDesk 
"...a concise digest of computing news in your email box 
every business day."
< http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/filters/subscribe/ >

Joy Schwarz
Web Coordinator
Winnefox Library System
Oshkosh, WI  USA

"A computer lets you make more mistakes 
faster than any invention in human history --
with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."
                        -- Mitch Ratliffe

At 08:14 AM 1/31/01 -0800, Drew, Bill wrote:
>Reading Walt Crawford's latest musings and reading Infobeat in my e-mail
>this morning leaves me pining for the days when technology news, especially
>computer and information technology, was about the technology and how it
>would or could be used instead about stock performance and IPOs.  Does
>anyone know of an online source, preferably free, that sends out real
>information and computer technology news, not mixed with business news?

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