[WEB4LIB] FrontPage Chicanery

Darryl Friesen Darryl.Friesen at usask.ca
Thu Feb 22 17:40:41 EST 2001

> Would someone who works with FrontPage 4 explain to me why copies of it
> from all over the world try to both GET and POST documents on my server in
> various "/_vti_" files or directories?

Can't say why.  Are you sure it's FrontPage trying the GET/POST though?  I
understand there are _numerous_ security problems with the IIS/FP
extensions.  As a recent victim, my first thought it that someone is looking
for a way into your system, especially if the requests are not from your IP

> And has anyone ever taken a 10GB core file, named it "_vti_inf.html" and
> given such FP'ers what they deserve?  [fx: Dowling's evil chortle]

Hmmm... I think I probably have a core file or two kicking around.


- Darryl

  Darryl Friesen, B.Sc., Programmer/Analyst    Darryl.Friesen at usask.ca
  Education & Research Technology Services,     http://gollum.usask.ca/
  Department of Computing Services,
  University of Saskatchewan
  "Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes"

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