The Nightmare continues

Dennis Moser dennism at
Thu Feb 8 17:04:20 EST 2001

I'm not sure how long the links are good on CNN'.com's site, so follow the 
link as soon as practical:

"As Napster showed, if your book were a song
  and you haven't built a content system for it, someone else will come and 
  the business away, he [Seth Greenstein, counsel for the Digital Media
Association] added. "


"Mark Seeley, a vice president of the
publishing company Elsevier Science, said
changes in law mirroring changes in
technology is not a new phenomenon.

'But the pace of change the Internet
represents is of a frequency all its own,' he
added. He observed that a pattern of litigation and discussion is emerging, 
shows a major divergence between consumers and industries.' "

Read it yourself, draw your own conclusions...the timing is interesting 
coming on the heels of Pat Schroeder's recent comments.

Dennis Moser

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