website usability testing answers

Laura Hudson lhudson at
Thu Feb 1 18:47:09 EST 2001

Dear Colleagues,

I received many helpful responses to my query regarding website usability 
tests.  I did find some good hands-on advice in these resources.  Below is 
a compiled list.

Again, thank you for taking the time to write to me with your favorites!

Laura Hudson
Electronic Systems and Services Librarian
San Diego State University
lhudson at
phone: 619-594-3521
fax:  619-594-8982

Measuring User Experience
Pamela and Steve Ellis provide an outline of common usability testing
methods and when to implement them.

Jerilyn Veldof's presentation at WilsWorld

Ruth Dickstein and Vicki Mills on the University of Arizona redesign

A handy toolbox which contains a lot of hands-on instructions

Deploying Usability Testing

A bibliography and presentation by Robert McDonald at the Auburn University 
Library in Auburn, Alabama


Washington State Universities redesign

Jared Spool. Web Site Usability: A Designer's Guide. Morgan Kauffman,

Jakob Nielsen. Designing Web Usability: the practice of simplicity. New
Riders, 2000

Jeffrey Rubin. Handbook of Usability Testing: how to plan, design, and
conduct effective tests.

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