Location of Wireless Librarian pages

Drew, Bill drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU
Mon Feb 26 13:37:11 EST 2001

Several people have written to ask me where the Wireless Librarian page is
located.  I just put it in a separate folder on my web so it is now at:


The Libraries with Wireless Page is at:


Wilfred (Bill) Drew 
Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference 
SUNY Morrisville College Library 
Email: mailto:drewwe at morrisville.edu 
Home: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/ 
Not Just Cows: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/njc/ 
Library: http://www.morrisville.edu/library/ 
Wireless Librarian: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/wireless/ 
Have Laptop -- Will Travel.
"The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!" --
Author Unknown

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