[WEB4LIB] Re: Library Web Page Use

Daniel Messer dmesser at yvrls.lib.wa.us
Thu Dec 6 10:22:21 EST 2001

    If there's one thing I learned while working in an academic library it's that academic libraries really dig on statistics no matter how meaningless they may seem to anybody else. :) I was told
that, when it doubt, count it out. In other words, the supervisor type folks wanted me to pretty much count and note anything that could be counted and noted.
    Now I'm not trying to put down any academic librarians, especially Mr. Hippenhammer. I'm just saying I know the nature of the beast and it seems like web page hits vs the rest of the college would
be something that ANY academic library would be interested in. However, I also do not claim to know everything about academic libraries, after all I worked for one for only a year. So like my esteemed
colleague with the same first name as I, I'm wondering why these stats are needed. Heck, it might be useful, I just don't know!

Happy Holidays to all!

Dan Lester wrote:

> This could be interesting for bragging rights, but other than that,
> what does it matter who gets the most?  I'd expect the library to get
> more hits than departments, unless the departments' pages include
> course content via Blackboard or some other similar system, or unless
> the departmental sites include lots of student-owned pages.

Mondai wa
The subject in question...
Daniel Messer, Technology Instructor
Yakima Valley Regional Library
102 N 3rd St Yakima, WA 98901
(509) 452-8541 x712
dmesser at yvrls.lib.wa.us
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
                     -Hunter S. Thompson

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