[WEB4LIB] Ejournal URL stability
Karen Harker
Karen.Harker at UTSouthwestern.edu
Fri Aug 31 16:27:47 EDT 2001
We run LinkBot reports on our ejournals list and our database of non-ejournal links. The ejournals inevitably have very few errors in the report, which means that the links are quite stable, compared with our non-ejournal links.
However, we get many of our ejournals through large aggregators/publishers, who have the ability to keep URLs stable or at least functioning, even if the title location changes. If we were to get many of our titles directly from small publishing houses, the number of errors may rise.
Furthermore, when a large aggregator does change its domain/server/etc., then usually *all* URLs for these titles change. So it can be a big, albeit rarely needed job.
However, there are other reasons to use a online journal management system. They are much like subscription management companies (a la EBSCO). While many larger libraries have already created their own solutions, smaller libraries are finding these services quite attractive.
Karen R. Harker, MLS
UT Southwestern Medical Library
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-9049
>>> "VanderHart, Robert" <Robert.VanderHart at umassmed.edu> 8/31/01 2:11:05 PM >>>
Recently a representative from one of the (relatively new) online journal
management companies gave a presentation in our library. One of the first
things he said was something to the effect that web addresses of online
journals are constantly changing, which he undoubtedly thought would be a
selling point for his service. I asked him if he had any data to support
his statement. He didn't. I then went on to explain that, at least with
the online journal vendors I have experience with, the URLs seem to be
rather stable.
I would be interested to know the thoughts and experiences of others
regarding the stability of online journal URLs. It seems to me that any
ejournal vendor that was constantly changing URLs to journal titles would
not be doing a very good business. What have others experienced with
e-journal URLs? Is the question of URL stability different in other
disciplines (we are a medical library)?
BTW, thanks to all who responded to my question earlier this week about
sample job descriptions.
Robert J. Vander Hart
The Lamar Soutter Library
University of Massachusetts Medical School
55 Lake Avenue N
Worcester MA 01655
Voice: (508) 856-3290
Fax: (508) 856-5899
Email: Robert.VanderHart at umassmed.edu
Web: http://library.umassmed.edu
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