[WEB4LIB] Re: IE 6.0 Problems & Product Lifecycle

Tom Edelblute thomas at anaheim.lib.ca.us
Wed Aug 29 14:13:22 EDT 2001

I have to agree.  Microsoft Virtual Machine is one of many components
they left out of version 5 for separate download as well.

Tom Edelblute
Public Access Systems Coordinator
Anaheim Public Library   phone: (714) 765-1759
500 West Broadway        fax:   (714) 765-1730
Anaheim CA 92805         e-mail: thomas at anaheim.lib.ca.us

Blake Carver wrote:
> >
> >     First off, playing devil's advocate here, from what the article on
> >C|NET says, Sun took MS to court to prevent them from including new
> >versions of Java in MSIE. To which MS dropped Java support all together.
> >My question is, what's the problem?
> If that was really the case, that would be fine:
> Sun (Scott McNealy) said something rather different;
> "Microsoft has implied in the press that removing the Java Virtual Machine
> was a condition of the settlement of our lawsuit against them. Pardon my
> French, but that's bullspin."
> "The decision to remove Java technology was Microsoft's alone. The real
> reason, I suspect, is to give you the same kind of choice Henry Ford
> offered to buyers of the Model T: "Any color you want, as long as it's
> black." "
> http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1276-210-6943640-1.html?tag=archlnk
> ------------------------------------------
> Blake Carver
> Web Librarian
> The Ohio State University Libraries

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