[WEB4LIB] New Member

P. F. (Pat) Anderson pfa at umich.edu
Tue Aug 21 13:28:55 EDT 2001

I was fascinated by Veronica's description of the librarian's helping 
"fairy penguins", and thought perhaps others on the list were 
similarly intrigued. Appropriate links below.

>In thinking about the long-suffering image of librarians, two very different
>unconventional examples come to mind:  Terry Pratchett's marvellously
>bizarre Discworld character, and our ABC television news held a 
>pleasant surprise a few months ago, when some young, vibrant (and 
>dare I say attractive!) librarians in Tasmania were busily knitting 
>thermal wear for fairy penguins caught in an oil slick.


About the librarians and the pattern:
"Launceston Library staff and volunteers report 170 jumpers pegged on 
a line in their foyer."

And about the penguins:

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P. F. (Pat) Anderson                  734/763-2953, voice
Dentistry Library, Univ. Michigan     734/764-4477, fax
1100 Dental Bldg.                    <mailto: pfa at umich.edu>
1011 North University Ave.   WWW: http://www.umich.edu/~pfa/
Ann Arbor, Michigan          WWW: http://www.lib.umich.edu/dentlib/

"No educational institutions ... can assume to be well equipped for 
their work without a good library and museum. The library should 
contain ... the entire literature of all subjects and branches taught 
in a given institution. Dental colleges should by no means be an 
exception in this respect." Taft, J. Dental Register 47 

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