[WEB4LIB] IE page setup

Dan Lester dan at riverofdata.com
Thu Apr 5 21:00:00 EDT 2001

There will always be URLs that are too long, even if you print in
landscape in some dinky font.  Of course most URLs that are that long
are also ones that include session variables and such that you can't
reuse anyway.  Finally, if a URL is too long to fit on the bottom of
the page, I sure wouldn't want to try to retype it anyway.


Thursday, April 05, 2001, 11:40:03 AM, you wrote:

RS> I have a small, but annoying problem with IE printing.

RS> I use &u&b&bPage &p of &P as my footer for IE printouts.  This translates to
RS> the pages URL followed by a right-justified Page x of y.

RS> The problem is that longer URLs are truncated (perhaps at the center of the
RS> pagem, but I forget).  I am using IE 5.5, but the center and right-justifying
RS> commands have been available since 4.x.  I did not see any relevant articles
RS> in the MS Knowledge Base.

RS> Thanks!

RS> Bob Sullivan                               scp_sulli at sals.edu
RS> Schenectady County Public Library (NY)     http://www.scpl.org

Dan Lester, Data Wrangler  dan at RiverOfData.com
3577 East Pecan, Boise, Idaho  83716-7115 USA
www.riverofdata.com  www.postcard.org  www.gailndan.com 

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