LLRX.com update for September 15, 2000

Cindy Chick cchick at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 16 17:14:13 EDT 2000

New on LLRX.com (http://www.llrx.com) for September 15, 2000

**Tools to Protect Your Email

As part of the multi-faceted program on E-Mail Security for
practitioners and the legal community, Jerry Lawson provides
information and resources relevant to the decision to use
public key encryption.

**Lawyer Meets Encryption Software

Nick Zales highlights the benefits of learning and utilizing
software encryption technology through a report of his experiences
with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), a popular software e-mail
encryption program.

**Encryption Bibliography

Mike Matis provides an annotated list of resources that includes
information on: cryptography; PGP; digital signatures; cybernotaries;
export regulations; public policy organizations; and security alerts.

**Keeping Current with International Law Via the Web

Jill Watson, of the American Society of International Law (ASIL),
provides a rundown of useful current awareness resources geared
particularly to international law and relations.

**Research RoundUp: Business Filings Databases

Kathy Biehl provides data and links on the three-fourths of states
that make some level of Corporate and Business filings available
online. The majority of the states use their Web presence to
disseminate a range of public business records -- and most of them
offer access at no charge.

**Reference from Coast to Coast: Oldies But Goodies with a WebTwist

The increased use of the Internet and computerized legal research
tools in general have blurred time/coverage issues in regard to
legal resources. Law librarians Jan Bissett and Margi Heinen review
the importance of evaluating and becoming familiar with coverage
provided by data aggregators.

**Notes from the Technology Trenches: GetThePatent.com; Filtering
MS Word Documents into HTML

Roger Skalbeck reports on a new service for obtaining patents on
the Internet, and shares a few tricks to take some of the frustration
out of converting Microsoft documents for use on a web site.

**A Roundup of Internet News-Filtering Tools

Susan Charkes reviews products for creating Intranet links that
integrate news or current awareness into an internal Web page.
In addition to services from West, Lexis and Factiva, she also
discusses free services from Moreover.com.

**LLRX Latest Links (http://www.llrx.com/links/index.htm)

Margaret Berkland choices include: a site with the "latest available
pension and benefit information for U.S. employers;" a resource which
contains information on over 100,000 full-text technical reports located
at the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA); 640,000 U.S. nonprofit organizations available for searching via
the Guidestar database; an all-in-one research site; if you are seeking to
post a volunteer opportunity or seeking to locate a volunteer opportunity
for you or your firm, VolunteerMatch can be a useful website.

Newstand (http://www.llrx.com/newstand):  limits to online rights of
holders; backlash against Amazon's new privacy policy; an online method of
submission of IP defensive publications by corporations; Web sites for
feel the heat of COPA; a link to the September 12 GAO Report on Internet
Privacy; how IT companies are cashing-in on the digital privacy controversy;
more predicitions on how e-books will revolutionize publishing; how
is suffering from consumer fears about privacy; federal and state
have been slow to effectively use the power of the web; do we need/want a
federal privacy Czar; For Sale: database of voting records on 150 million
Americans; lack of concensus on copyright laws reflected in recent decisions
concerning Napster and MP3.com; California's debate over Net taxes heats up.

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