[WEB4LIB] RMI problem

Rhyno Art arhyno at server.uwindsor.ca
Thu Sep 7 09:31:58 EDT 2000

> Hello
> Ours is corporate library with access database as backend and a front end
> developed using RMI, java applets and JDBC. 
> The front end works thoroughly in netscape 4.0 and above. but it does not
> work in any versions of IE including ver 5.0.
> Can anybody suggest me the remedy for this. do i need to install any
> plug-ins for it to work. 
RMI was one of the sticking points in Sun's accusations that Microsoft was
not complying with the Java specification. The closest Microsoft has come
to supporting RMI is an unsupported distribution on its ftp site
(ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/msdn/unsup-ed/rmi.zip). Iseran
(http://www.iseran.com/Java/RMI/) has set up a page for installing the
needed class files automatically, though it, like the Microsoft download,
doesn't always seem to work properly. Your best bet is probably to use the
Java Plug-in (http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/), which allows for some
consistency in deploying java solutions in a browser environment while
supplying an up to date version of the Java Virtual Machine.

Art Rhyno, Systems Librarian
Leddy Library, University of Windsor
Internet: arhyno at uwindsor.ca
Tel: (519) 253-4232, EXT. 3163
FAX: (519) 973-7076
WWW: <http://www.uwindsor.ca/library/leddy/people/art.html>

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