[WEB4LIB] Benchmarking system performance

Fri Oct 6 15:33:03 EDT 2000

I would be VERY interested in that as well -
More the methodology than the actual results.

It has been my experience that a site which might reply in 2 seconds on one
hit --
may take 10 or 20 seconds on another try from the same machine only a short
time later and maybe 5 seconds on another try.
I have also observed and been advised by much wiser techs than myself that
these differences have nothing to do with the local workstation.  And while
they MAY have something to do with traffic at the site you are trying to
reach - they could just as easily be a function of bottlenecks any place
BETWEEN your site and theirs.

Given all of that - my (admittedly limited) mind has to wonder - how are you
going to provide any kind of trustworthy figures?

Paul H. Gray,Manager - Library LAN & CLC
TCC Northeast Campus Library
Ext 6623
"Those Williams boys they still mean a lot to me - - - Hank and Tennessee"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Gale [mailto:agale at uoguelph.ca]
> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 2:10 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: [WEB4LIB] Benchmarking system performance
>         Hello:
>       I am gathering information on guidelines or standards 
>       to follow in establishing performance benchmarks for 
>       networked resources such as web-based library catalogues 
>       or bibliographic databases. 
>       I'd like to be able to come up with a series of searches 
>       to run, on an ongoing basis, and some standard to compare 
>       the response times to.   
>       If anyone has any reports or other publications they could
>       refer me to or experience to relate, I'd be pleased to hear
>       from you. 
>       Thanks for your assistance.
>       ..... Alan Gale
>             University of Guelph

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