Elena O'Malley omalleye at
Thu Oct 5 10:05:14 EDT 2000


The TITLE tag provides a good popup in IE, on both Macs
and PCs.

Unfortunately, it was not recognized by Netscape as recently
as Navigator 4.08 (the latest standalone version that I know of).
It does no harm in Netscape, to my knowledge, but it doesn't 
show up at all.

Alternatively, you could try this:

<A HREF="" ONMOUSEOVER = "window.status = 'text
will appear'; return true;" ONMOUSEOUT = "window.status = ''; return
Link Text</A>

This will appear in the status bar at the bottom, and replaces the
URL of the link that would otherwise appear there. Disadvantages:
some people would prefer to see the URL of the link, and some people
never look at the status bar at all.

If you want to see TITLE tags in action, 
here's one page:
(We use a combination of title tags and smaller text below the link now--
no solution is perfect.)

Good luck...

Elena O'Malley, Technology Librarian
Cardinal Cushing Library, Emmanuel College
400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115

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