[WEB4LIB] Privacy policy -- Thanks!

Jenny Levine levinej at sls.lib.il.us
Wed Nov 22 10:17:35 EST 2000

	Thanks to Susan, Julie, and Peter, all of whom replied to my 
request for privacy policies for public library Web sites!  The URLs
I received are listed below.

Jenny Levine					125 Tower Drive
Internet Development Specialist			Burr Ridge, IL 60521
Suburban Library System				+1 (630) 734 5141
http://www.sls.lib.il.us/			levinej at sls.lib.il.us

Here's the privacy statement for Sonoma County Library -

Susan Hensley
Sonoma County Library
hensley at sonoma.lib.ca.us

I developed this one while in KC
Julie James
Technology Consultant
The Library of Virginia
jjames at lva.lib.va.us


Peter Murray re-iterated the need to consider proxy servers in privacy 
policies and pointed to slides from his presentation on this subject at 
http://www.pandc.org/proxy/slides-forum/slide63.htm.  He also suggested 
adapting the TrustE commerce privacy statements at 
http://www.truste.com/webpublishers/pub_resourceguide.html for library use.

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