[WEB4LIB] Re: Naming of Library [computer] appliances (OPAC or not)

Araby Greene greene at bulldog.unca.edu
Thu Mar 30 11:03:01 EST 2000

Several years ago, we had a contest to name our (then telnet) "online
services," which included the library catalog and other databases available
from our OPAC terminals. The winner was "HidenSeek," from our full name "D.
Hiden Ramsey Library." We continued to use HidenSeek in a large useless
graphic on our library Web page until recently, though the first link on the
page was always labeled "Library Catalog." Using "HidenSeek" merely confused
our users, who didn't know or care how we got the moniker, and to whom it
meant absolutely nothing. They do know what Ramsey Library is, and that
Library Catalog is where you look up stuff (some confusion here about what
stuff, exactly, you can look up, but we deal with that elsewhere). We share
a catalog with two other libraries, and though there has been discussion
about giving it a cutesy name, we have, mercifully, been unable to agree on

When I visit another library, I want to find the catalog, not have to figure
out if ZOUL is it, an in-house database, a collective name for subscription
services, or a diabolical plot.
Jus' my 2 cents.

Araby Greene
Araby Greene
Coor. of Electronic Resources & Gov't Information
Ramsey Library, UNC-Asheville
greene at bulldog.unca.edu
(828) 251-6632

----- Original Message -----
From: Roy Tennant <rtennant at library.berkeley.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at webjunction.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 10:27 AM
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Re: Naming of Library [computer] appliances (OPAC or not)

> "Sutherland, Paul" <Paul.Sutherland at ccc.govt.nz> said:
> >We have a small group of colleagues who are trying to decide to change
> >the name of our OPACs (for no logical reason)
> Just yesterday I was commenting in a workshop I was teaching about how
> librarians seem to think they have to come up with a cutesy name for their
> library catalog. What is it about computers that makes us do this? We
> never named our card catalogs! Why not call it what it is, what people can
> relate to, and what will not require explanation: the library catalog.
> Roy Tennant
> (from an institution that has both "MELVYL" and "GLADIS"...and no, they're
> not married)

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