[WEB4LIB] Re: Apache config question

John Creech creechj at mumbly.lib.cwu.edu
Wed Mar 22 19:25:41 EST 2000

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Jian Liu wrote:

>      http://myserver.indiana.edu/thisworks/
> works, while
>      http://myserver.indiana.edu/thisdoesnotwork
> doesn't work.


>From the Apache FAQ:

9. Why does accessing directories only work when I include the trailing
"/" (e.g., http://foo.domain.com/~user/) but not when I omit it 
(e.g., http://foo.domain.com/~user)? 

For answer to the above question see



John Creech
Electronic Resources & Systems Librarian
Central Washington University Library 
400 E. 8th Ave. | Ellensburg, WA 98926 | 
office - 509-963-1081 || fax - 509-963-3684
creechj at www.lib.cwu.edu

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