How do you list all the electronic serials

bradleye bradleye at
Wed Jun 28 15:26:08 EDT 2000

In order to get an idea of what we have available online, I have been
creating brief marc records with 856 links to the online database. This
process is relatively easy and takes about an hour or so (depending on
the quality of the title information from the vendor) to create
thousands of records.

If we have a paper copy of the same journal, two records would come up,
one with a location of online database and the other indicating that it
is a bound periodical.

"Masters, Gary E" wrote:> > > We have both electronic (full text)
journals that we subscribe to individually or get with paper
subscriptions and those that come in a package  (ScienceDirect, Dialog
and Highwire to name a few)  and want one listing of all of our
journals. We  don't know if (or even how) we can list all of the
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