[WEB4LIB] Re: Now I've heard *everything*

Debra Lords dlords at library.utah.edu
Tue Jun 20 14:09:17 EDT 2000

It reminds me of a recent lawsuit in which a firm provably
claimed it held a trademark on the term Metadata and was suing
another firm for violation of trademark.  The ultimate decision
was that the term "metadata" had moved into common usage which
made it public domain and therefore overturned the existing
trademark.  They had waited too long to counteract the term's
general use.

There is a possibility that this may happen here, too, though I
don't know if a "public domain" clause exists for patents like it
does for trademarks.

Debbie Lords

"Scott W. Sharpe" wrote:
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_798000/798475.stm
> >
> > What are they going to patent next? Breathing?
> >
> > --
> > Charles P. Hobbs
> > King Drew Health Science Library
> > http://www.cdrewu.edu/lib_home.htm
> >
> This is frightening.  It is interesting that he waits until now to attempt
> to cash in on his patent, after everyone is tied into the hyperlink system.
> IF he is able to enforce this patent, ISP's will have little choice.  Ah,
> the IT world!
> Scott W. Sharpe
> Library Technology Specialist
> Tahlequah Public Library




Debra Lords			Experience is what you
dlords at library.utah.edu		have just right after 
ACLIS Labs			you need it.

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