[WEB4LIB] base target and frames

Andro Gagne apgagne at Friend.roc.servtech.com
Tue Jun 6 21:45:16 EDT 2000


	At 05:58 AM 6/6/00 -0700, you wrote:

>One my of colleagues has developed a web site that includes a frame with
>a row and two columns.  The navbar column includes a drop down menu (a
>form) and he wants the TARGET to be the other column.  For some reason,
>TARGET and BASE TARGET do not function in the menu.  (They do function
>outside of the menu.)

	For the sake of clarity, let's call the three frames "header", "navaid",
and "body".  Here's how your colleague can get the navigational aid to open
new pages in the body frame:

1.  In the HTML file which defines the frameset, include the following
attribute within the <FRAME> tag for the body frame:  NAME="abcd" [the NAME
value can be any alphanumeric string]

	EXAMPLE:  <FRAME SRC="home.htm" NAME="abcd">

2.  In the HTML file which defines the drop-down menu (the navaid frame's
content), include the following attribute within every link tag in the code
for the menu:  TARGET="abcd"

	EXAMPLE:  <A HREF="nextpage.htm" TARGET="abcd">text_you're_ 

Send me a message off list if your colleague continues to have problems
with his frames.

Andro P. Gagne
apgagne at friend.roc.servtech.com

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