JavaScript question

Luck, Deanne LuckDL at
Thu Jun 8 17:06:27 EDT 2000

Our recently redesigned home page ( includes a drop
down "jumpbox" for quick access to our databases.  I borrowed a javascript
program for this which has always worked nicely for us.  However, when I
tried to add links to our SilverPlatter Internet subscriptions, it won't go
to the correct page.  Our SilverPlatter URLs should go directly to the
specific database, but the jumpbox gets an error saying "Please choose
another database."  I thought maybe the end of the URL (where the database
is specified) was getting mangled, but when I modified the script to print
the output, it came out fine.  All the other URLs in the jumpbox work fine,
and regular links using the SilverPlatter URLs work fine. Is the script
doing something I can't see?

The page which prints the output is

DeAnne Luck
Electronic Resources Librarian
Austin Peay State University
LuckDL at

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