
Peter Murray PMurray at
Thu Jul 20 21:36:18 EDT 2000

--On Wednesday, July 19, 2000 3:22 PM -0700 "Alma E. Garcia" 
<almag at> wrote:
> Also how have other libraries handled a change in IP address of their
> library server.

Hopefully you have been using a name for your library server (e.g. 
"") rather than an IP address (e.g. "123.456.789.012"). 
If you have, then it is a relatively simple matter to make a change to your 
domain name service (or DNS) and then wait for the change to propogate 
through the Internet (the length of time depends on the parameters of your 
domain name service) before shutting down the old server.

If you have been using IP addresses, then you'll need to contact everyone 
who has been using that address to reach your service and tell them to 
change.  My advice would be to ask them to change to using a DNS name so 
the next time this has so happen it will be much easier...

Peter Murray, Computer Services Librarian              W: 860-570-5233
University of Connecticut Law School             Hartford, Connecticut

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